Learning on Paper Comes to Life in New Adult Coloring Book

Coloring Book

 P+PB's Fourth Annual Back-to-School survey and report provided the inspiration behind artist Jitesh Patel's coloring book illustrations in All About Paper: 7 Colorful Facts to Sharpen Your Mind

Our book is unique. Each page highlights a key finding about reading on paper. For example, one page features a lush jungle with a mom reading to her child and this fact: 81% of Millennial parents read with their child from a paper book every night. In the month of August alone, social posts featuring the coloring book reached over 23K people! 

A wide-range of experts say that coloring offers mental benefits. It can create mindfulness, alleviate anxiety and even release creativity. The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® All About Paper coloring book has dual-intentions: to provide stress relief and inform the essential roles paper plays in our everyday lives. So, whether you strictly stay within the lines or whimsically doodle throughout the pages. Enjoy adding your flourish!


“Coloring is so accessible…It unleashes the creativity we all have in a way that’s quite safe.”

– Johanna Basford, Artist and Commercial Illustrator - https://bit.ly/2qfDN7H


 “Coloring definitely has therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety, create focus or bring [about] more mindfulness."

-Marygrace Berberian, Clinical Assistant Professor for the Graduate Art Therapy Program at NYU -https://cnn.it/2EiMHmA


“Coloring books are not like other publishing trends — they have already proven to be more durable, and their appeal just continues to expand.”

– Camden Hendericks, CEO PCG Publishing Group, LLC -https://bit.ly/2pwvJMq